Intell insights
We help our partners better understand the trends and spot tomorrow’s opportunities.
Here is a quick view of some of our thought leadership work that seeks to inspire action to solve some of the biggest challenges in the agrifood value chain.

Asia’s food waste is both excessive and undervalued. Expect that to change rapidly in the years to come thanks to a mix of new tech and policy resolve from investors, policy makers, and corporations eying at ‘circular solutions’ for agri-industrial food valorisation.
Major investment opportunities exist around agri-industrial food waste, as this waste can be collected, stored, and processed with greater ease and scale.
This white paper has been published by ID Capital in partnership with Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Bühler Group & Dole Sunshine Company, and released at the Future Food Asia 2022 Conference.

Cities are not a natural place to grow food. And hence, each city’s food production model is the outcome of a unique combination of constraints, drivers, opportunities, and even unfair advantages the city can offer to overcome physical and climate constraints.
This report was commissioned by Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) to understand the various models enabling food production to happen in cities and inspire the city-state to play to its strengths.

Wheat, rice, corn, and soy have dominated Asian food bowls for decades, but this Big Four ubiquity has major shortcomings. As populations rise, climates shift, soils deplete, and plant-based proteins needed to complement traditional diets, Asia rapidly needs to grow, process, trade, and eat more pulses.
This white paper uncovers where and how pulses can become a powerful proposition for the Asia Pacific region.
It has been published by ID Capital in partnership with Bühler Group, USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council and U.S. Dry Bean Council and released at the Future Food Asia 2021 Conference.
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